Packing my bags and flying to France

I always get excited when it comes to getting ready to travel. Yes, there is that hectic period when I think I’ll never get everything done in time to catch my flight. Invariably, once my passport’s been shown, I get my boarding pass, and clear security, I always breath a sigh of relief knowing there is nothing more I can do but get on the plane and go.

I feel like that today… too much to do and not enough time to do it!  I’m heading to Nice and the Cote D’ Azur to do a little exploring on my own and then pick up a tour group.  I’ve recently been re-reading Peter Mayle’s “A Year in Provence” so I’ve decided to take a spin up into the Luberon for a couple of days.  I’ll keep you posted and let you know how it all works out.
