After spending ten weeks in Europe this summer my journal is full of stories about great travel destinations. Most recently, I’ve returned from England, Wales and Ireland and this month I’d like to share my experiences with you.

 Last week I had a two hour flight from Spain to England. What a contrast! Although Spain is beautiful, its’ landscape is pretty well fried by mid-July. I left Madrid’s 100 degree heat for the United Kingdom’s moist, crisp, and fresh air. 

During the two hour flight the aircraft’s cabin had been filled with the pure unfiltered sunlight that only an altitude of 35,000 feet can bring. As we descended into the UK the clouds were low and dense and I could not see our approach. Finally we broke through the gray misty clouds and there below was the beautiful landscape of southern England. A patchwork quilt of every shade of green lay below. Each patch was a pasture, field, or crop. The colors varied from rich evergreen to the pale green of an un-ripened tomato. Dividing each of these patches were hedgerows of blue-green uncut forest. Now take this complete patchwork quilt and drape it over a rolling countryside, scatter around some stone walls and small houses and you’ve got my impression of England.