I began Travel Talk Tuesday on December 1, 2020. At the time, we were in the heart of the pandemic with nowhere to go. I had spent the better part of 2020 in a mild depression and without a plan for Exploring Europe. As the year’s end approached, I decided to pull out of it and get to work with EE again. Hence, Travel Talk Tuesday with David McGuffin was born.
With the help of my friend and colleague, Leslie Larson, we’ve produced 100+ live episodes and catalogued them online and on YouTube. Our archives contain content about European destinations we visit on our tours. Moving forward, I’ll produce five or six Travel Talk Tuesday broadcasts a year to keep everyone up-to-date on my travels, tours, and special promotions. Stay tuned for details coming in January 2024.
We were super busy with our tours in 2022 and 2023. 2024 is looking to be a busy year, too. I’ve run out of time to oversee EE, lead tours, and produce a weekly TTT. So, sadly, I must let it go for now. Thanks for tuning in and please help us end with a bang on December 19th!
All the best and Merry Christmas,
David, Charlotte, and Leslie
There are many more episodes of Travel Talk Tuesday. Visit to browse them all.